DIY Lisa Frank Costumes: Panda Painter
bustle crafts tutorials

DIY Lisa Frank Halloween Costume: Panda Painter

My craft-obsessed self adores the Halloween season. It gives you the perfect opportunity to play around with outrageous materials, styles, and items that you typically wouldn’t use. Take these DIY Lisa Frank Halloween costumes, for example. I dove straight into a world of vibrant neon rainbow goodness. The end result? A noteworthy ’90s-inspired costume that is pure Instagram gold. You can find the DIY Panda Painter costume on Bustle.

DIY Lisa Frank Halloween Costumes

It’s just 1/3 of a Lisa Frank costume trio! You can find the other two costume tutorials at Wild Amor:

DIY Lisa Frank Costumes: Panda Painter

Head to Bustle to learn how to make this DIY Lisa Frank Panda Painter costume.

Happy Halloween crafting!

xx K