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diy: Stone Filled Metal Bracelet

As of last autumn, the hardware store has become a new source of inspiration for me. I have quite a few projects lined up using odds and ends found at the hardware store, all of which are still fashion/home decor related. I’m excited to share them! Past hardware store related projects included the Wood Coaster Set and the Vinyl Tube Bracelets. Here’s yet another one: a bangle bracelet, embellished with a copper test cap filled with jewelry gel and stones. Copper test caps are used in sewage plumbing; this one cost about $1.50 at Home Depot.
As for jewelry pendant gel…I’ve actually never even used this before, so this was something new for me. It’s a great non-toxic alternative to epoxy, and has practically no odor. I found mine at Michael’s for $7.99.
See how I made the bracelet, below! — 

Copper test cap, found at Home Depot for about $1.50.
–  Small stones/pebbles (I bought these at a touristy cave exhibit in Pennsylvania, when I was in elementary school!)
– Strong craft glue such as E6000
– Metal bangles (I used 2 thin bangles, but you can also use 1 thick bangle)
– Jewelry pendant gel. This is by Aleene’s and is available at craft stores in the glue section.
You can also use clear nail polish, though this is a lot more manageable, with little to no odor.

1) Fill the test cap with a thin layer of jewelry pendant gel, using the nozzle to disperse evenly throughout the cap.

2) Make sure that the layer of gel is even.
3) Begin placing stones into the gel.

4) Continue adding more stones, adding gel when needed.
5) Continue until the cap is full (or until the cap is partially full, it’s up to you!). You can also add another layer of jewelry gel over the entire thing if you’d like.
6) Let dry for at least 24 hours. Jewelry gel dries completely transparent.


7) Glue the bangle(s) to the other side of the test cap. Let dry.
I really want to do some more experimenting with this jewelry gel. Luckily, the hardware store is a great place for inexpensive metal components. Definitely need to brainstorm a few more ideas using these supplies!