Now that spring has officially rolled around, my love for florals is in it’s prime! I’ve been experimenting with stencils quite often lately, so I couldn’t help but make a flower printed garment for the season. The great part of this project is that you can use any stencil you’d like (leaves? daisies? filigree?) and in any color you desire.
I tend to mix girly and not-so-girly concepts together; the design is feminine, so I purposely found a pair of jeans that were a bit loose fitting. Skinny jeans would be a nice alternative, or even denim shorts!
– Large flower/rose stencil (I bought mine at Michael’s)
– Jeans
– White fabric paint
– Flat sponge brush
– Masking tape & thin paintbrush
1) Tape the stencil onto the jeans.
2) Apply paint with the brush. Don’t add too much!
Having a fairly light hand is more ideal for this project. Missing some spots here and there will give it a more rugged, worn in look. Obviously it depends what you’re going for, but don’t worry if each flower isn’t perfect.
3) Let dry, and repeat on random areas on the jeans.
4) Try adding flowers on the sides, overlapping the seam. Before you start the back side, make sure the front is completely dry.
5) If you like, take a paintbrush and draw pointed ovals – also known as leaves! – in between the flowers.
I think the key aspect to these jeans is to not think too much about the random placement of each flower. Maybe it’s just me, but I tend to subconsciously create a systematic pattern without realizing it. I like the miscellaneous placement of the flowers; it adds a fun touch to the piece.
Xo, Kirsten